Cooperation - Overview

Message from the Vice-Rector

The Vice-Rectorate of External Relations, Cooperation, Animation and Communication and Scientific Events has the mission to promote the relations of the University with its social and economic environment and initiate partnership programs as well as the internationalization of the University. Since its creation, it has regularly managed its activities to support the improvement of the quality of higher education and the development of scientific research.

Since entrepreneurship is now a priority in the university’s management policy, it is therefore strongly supported in order to promote the entrepreneurial culture among students and to bring the academic world closer to the socio-economic world. Contributing to the implementation of schemes, such as entrepreneurial culture, quality assurance, valorization and innovation, communication, based on the founding texts of higher education, it is to meet the criteria for the development of the sector and to include the role and involvement of the university in local, regional and national development.

In the era of globalization, openness to the international market is essential and provides, among other things, the sharing of good practices with foreign partner institutions, which will allow a significant scientific and technological development that meets international standards.

Vice-Rector for Cooperation and External Relations
Professor Abdelaziz TAIRI