❑ Doctoral Training
The University of Boumerdes provides studies in LMD doctorate and Sciences doctorate in the following domains, branches, and specialties:
1. LMD Doctorate
LMD doctorate domains, branches, and specialties
2. Doctorate in Science
Doctorate in Science domains, branches, and specialties
❑ Access to Doctorate studies
⮚ Guide
⮚ Leaflet
⮚ Doctoral student's notebook (FR)
( download - FR)
⮚ Doctoral student's notebook (AR)
( download - AR)
Online registration platform for the doctoral training access contest (
www.progres.mesrs.dz )
❑ Doctoral registration
1. Registration for the 1st year is open at the beginning of each academic year until November 30th of the same
academic year.
2. Re-enrollment (2nd year and more) is open from the beginning of each academic year to October 30th of the same academic year.
3. The files must be sent to the Vice Rectorate, following the opinion of the scientific councils, no later than 15 days
after the Scientific council dates.
1. The registration form (Downloadable in Ar & Fr),
2. The decision of the CSF with the name and surname of the doctoral student, the thesis director, the thesis
subject and the year of registration/re-registration,
3. Reporting of the subject to PNST,
4. The identification of the subject (Printed material to download in Ar & Fr)
5. Declaration on the honor of Affiliation to the UMBB (Form to download in Ar & Fr),
6. A copy of the Magister's degree,
7. A copy of a certificate of equivalence for diplomas obtained abroad,
8. The original transcript of the Baccalaureate (BAC),
9. Employer's authorization or certificate of non affiliation (CNAS or CASNOS), or certificate of non activity,
10. A birth certificate or a certificate of nationality for candidates born abroad,
11. Two (02) passport photos,
12. Registration fees (200 DA).
1. The registration/re-registration form (form to be downloaded in Ar & Fr),
2. Progress report (printable in Ar & Fr)
3. The minutes of the FSC include the name of the doctoral student, the thesis director, the thesis subject and the year of registration/re-registration,
4. Registration fees (200 DA).
5. Request for a change of Thesis Director or Subject (if applicable) (downloadable form),
6. Request for extension / derogation r for re-registration (if applicable) (downloadable form),
1. The results of the competition validated by the Scientific Council of the Faculty/Institute (CSF/CSI),
2. The registration form (downloadable in Ar & Fr),
3. The minutes of the FSC include the name of the doctoral student, the thesis director, the thesis subject and the year of registration/re-registration,
4. Reporting of the subject to PNST,
5. Declaration on the honor of Affiliation to the UMB (Form to download in Ar & Fr),
6. A birth certificate N°12,
7. The original transcript of the BAC,
8. Copies of the Bachelor's and Master's degrees,
9. Copies of transcripts from the entire graduation cycle including the defense grade,
10. Two (02) passport photos,
11. Employer's authorization or certificate of non-affiliation (CNAS or CASNOS).
1. The decision of the FSC with the name and surname of the doctoral student, the thesis director, the thesis subject and the year of registration/re-registration,
2. Status of the project,
3. Re-registration forms (downloadable form),,
4. Request for extension / derogation for re-enrollment (downloadable form),
5. Request for a change of Thesis Director or Subject (form to download),
6. Registration fee (200 DA)
❖ Reminder:
Doctoral students are required to comply with the following rules:
- Enter the title of the thesis in the CERIST database. This database is called PNST. Entering the title is a mandatory step for registration.
- Any request to change the title and/or director of the thesis must be justified and approved by the scientific
council of the faculty or institute. After the 2nd year, no change is authorized except for force majeure.
- The freezing of a registration is not allowed, for the defense the doctoral student must capitalize the number of registrations as fixed by the texts.
- All incomplete applications or those arriving after the deadline will not be considered.
❑ The Defense of the thesis
The defense of the doctoral thesis is governed by the decrees 191 of 16/07/2012, 547 of 02/06/2016, the circular N°3 of 08/03/2018, the Circular n°03 of 07/07/2019, and the decisions of the Scientific Council of the University dated 13/01/2019 and 14/07/2019
❖ List of journals selected for the defense of doctoral theses (in Sciences and LMD)
Any doctoral student applying for the defense must present an article published in a journal from one of the following lists:
1. Domain family - Science and Technology:
- List of scientific journals of Category A
- List of scientific journals of Category B
2. Family of fields - Humanities and Social Sciences :
- List of scientific journals of Category A
- List of scientific journals of Category B
- List of scientific journals of Category C
As stipulated in Order 547 of 02/06/2016, in addition to the article required in points (1 and 2), the doctoral student of the LMD system enrolled from the 2016/2017 academic year:
- must, if necessary, complete his file with a production allowing him to have at least the 50 points required in the annex N°2 of this order
- can assert a PCT patent (WIPO) which will be counted as an article in a category A journal
- can be awarded 25 points by presenting an INAPI card
❑ Papers selected from conference proceedings published in special issues of periodicals are not accepted unless they have undergone the reviewer's evaluation procedure after submission of the paper. In this case, supporting documentation must be provided.
❖ The article
- The article must be directly related to the thesis topic,
- The name of the thesis director must appear on the article unless he/she gives written permission,
- The doctoral student's name must appear first in the list of authors in the publication, except for journals that adopt alphabetical order.
* If the article does not have a submission date, the applicant must attach a document indicating the submission date.
* The doctoral student who has finalized his thesis work may submit his defense file by presenting an official letter of acceptance, in which case the defense could take place only after the publication of the article.
The acceptance letter is not accepted for the defense file unless:
∙ It includes the digital object identifier (DOI),
∙ Information about the forthcoming article can be found on the publisher's or journal's website.
In the case of local journals, the acceptance letter is not accepted unless:
∙ The volume, number and expected date of publication are mentioned in the said letter,
∙ Information on the upcoming article is available on the ASJP website.
* Candidates must submit their application within 3 years of the publication of the article. If not, the candidate must justify the
delay with valid documents.
❖ Affiliation
Following the instructions of the university's board of directors and in order to ensure a better visibility of our university, particularly in terms of scientific production (publications, communications, books, etc.), our researchers (teachers and doctoral students) are asked to:
1. The mandatory opening of a university email account
(...............@univ-boumerdes.dz) for all correspondence and scientific research activities (form to be filled out on the UMBB website and sent to the CSRIC network center).
2. The use of the affiliation and contact information below regardless of the position among the authors of the publication or
First name Last name, First name Last name, ...
Laboratory: .................... (if there is),
Faculty: ,....................
University M'Hamed BOUGARA of Boumerdes University M'Hamed BOUGARA of Boumerdes "
Email : (...............@univ-boumerdes.dz) (Required)
Avenue de l'indépendance - 35000 - Algeria.
It should be noted that in the word "Boumerdes", the second "e" should not carry an accent. This writing was adopted to allow the name of the university to be in line with its domain name "univ-boumerdes.dz", and thus avoid any loss of visibility.
Authors and co-authors must adopt this unique identification of our university for any scientific production in order to avoid disjointed summations by search engines.
The registration of all researchers to Google Scholar (see attached annex), which is used as a freely searchable scientometric database on the internet and which indexes articles and identifies bibliographic references (45% of scientific evaluation is based on Google Scholar).
❑ Ethics
* The supervisor must be from the same specialty or from a specialty close to that of the doctoral program. In the case of a co- supervision, one of the supervisors may be from a different specialty if the thesis subject justifies it.
• Supervision or co-supervision by a spouse, ascendant, descendant or close family member is not permitted.
• Concerning the constitution of the doctoral thesis juries in Science, the defense of the thesis must take place before a legally constituted jury composed of four (04) to six (06) members, with the rank of professor of higher education or director of research, professor, or master of research, including the thesis director who is the rapporteur. At least half (1/2) and at most two thirds (2/3) of the jury must be members from outside the institution in which the student is registered.
• Concerning the constitution of the LMD doctoral thesis juries, the thesis defense must take place before a jury composed of four (04) to six (06) research professors of magisterial rank (professor or senior lecturer class "A") or authorized permanent researchers, specialists in the field of the thesis subject. The defense jury may include a member of a different specialty. At least one (01) of the members of the jury must be from outside the institution in which the student is registered.
• Avoid any conflict of interest in the preparation of juries.
❑ Practical arrangements for the organization of doctoral thesis defenses
According to the Executive Decree n°98-254 of 17/08/1998, the Orders n°191 of 16/07/2012, n°547 of 02/06/2016, n°691 of 02/12/2020, n°028 of 09/01/2022, the candidates to a thesis defense as well as the members of the juries are informed that:
⮚ The defense of a doctoral thesis must take place in the university where the student is registered.
⮚ Defenses are not permitted on holidays and vacations.
⮚ The date of the defense must be set after the establishment of the defense authorization.
⮚ The announcement of the date of the defense by posting must be made at least one week before the defense.
⮚ The members of the jury must be associated with the choice of the date of the defense. In the event of the absence of one or two members, the applicant must provide written proof that the absent member(s) has (have) been previously informed of the holding of the defense.
⮚ The defense of a LMD doctoral thesis can be done by videoconference, in which case the presence of at least three
members of the jury is mandatory, not counting the invited members.
⮚ During a defense of a doctoral thesis :
- The presence of the Chairman and the director of thesis is mandatory.
- The presence of at least four (04) members of the jury is compulsory, the invited members are not counted.
❑ Jury Notification Decision Record
⮚ Doctorate LMD
✔ The minutes of the FSC validating the jury's proposal,
✔ The doctoral paper (A or B for S&T), (A or B or C for SHS),
✔ A copy of the thesis and the abstract,
✔ The thesis director's report attesting to the sustainability of the work (Annex 1 and 2) (documents to be downloaded),
✔ Attestation proving that the doctoral student is regularly enrolled in a doctoral program (Annex 3) (documents to be downloaded),
Doctoral students registered after the date of publication of the decree n°547 of 02/06/2016 must complete the file by :
✔ Certificate proving that the doctoral student has obtained 180 points, approved and signed by the scientific authorities,
✔ The original copy of the doctoral student's logbook duly completed and stamped.
To complete the 50 points of scientific work, it is necessary to have a national publication or a patent (INAPI) or national or international communications (certificate + proceeding) ... (see the notebook of the doctorate) (document to download)
⮚ Doctorate in Science
✔ The minutes of the CSF validating the composition of the jury,
✔ The doctoral paper (A or B for S&T), (A or B or C for SHS),
✔ A copy of the thesis and the abstract,
✔ The thesis director's report attesting to the sustainability of the work (Annex 1 and 2) (documents to be
✔ Attestation proving that the doctoral student is regularly enrolled in a doctoral program (Annex 3) (document to be d❑ownFlioleadfeodr)t, he establishment of the authorization of defense
✔ The critical reports of the juries (Annex 5) (downloadable document)
❑ Diploma
❑ File for the issue of a provisional certificate of success
Doctorate - LMD/Sciences
⮚ Minutes of the defense,
⮚ Reservation release (annex 6) (downloadable document)
⮚ Certificate of deposit of scientific publication, (central library)
⮚ A certificate of deposit of doctoral thesis, (central library)
⮚ Authorization for electronic distribution, (central library)
⮚ 1CD containing the thesis in PDF format.
❑ File for the issuance of the final diploma
Doctorate - LMD
⮚ Handwritten request,
⮚ Birth certificate,
⮚ The original of the provisional certificate of the LMD doctorate,
⮚ Copy of BAC transcript,
⮚ Copy of the final master's degree authenticated by the home institution.
Doctorate in Science
⮚ Handwritten request,
⮚ Birth certificate,
⮚ The original of the provisional attestation of the doctorate in science,
⮚ Copy of BAC transcript,
⮚ Copy of the final magisterial diploma authenticated by the home institution.
File for authentication of the final diploma by the MESRS
Doctorate LMD
⮚ Handwritten request,
⮚ The final degree of the LMD doctorate,
⮚ Certificates of completion of the entire doctoral program
Doctorate in Science
⮚ Handwritten request,
⮚ The final degree of the science doctorate,
⮚ Certificates of completion of the entire doctoral program
⮚ Handwritten request,
⮚ The final Magister degree,
⮚ Transcript of grades from the first year of Magister
❑ University Habilitation Service provides:
⮚ Supporting candidates in registering for university accreditation on the "PROGRES" digital platform.
⮚ Validation of the university accreditation file on the PROGRES platform (Administrative and Pedagogical File)
- university accreditation
- Study of UA Files
- Regulatory texts
Download the University Habilitation Guide in PDF Format
❑ UNIVERSITY Accreditation :
University Habilitation allows its holder :
∙ to reach the rank of magistral and to be appointed to the rank of Master of Conferences class A
∙ to supervise doctoral theses
∙ to lead research projects
∙ to lead a research team
❖ The habilitation is open to teachers holding a doctorate in science and LMD or a degree recognized as equivalent, it is also open to permanent researchers holding a doctorate degree.
The university accreditation concerns the Lecturers "class B" and the Research Masters "class B" in a position of permanent activity for at least three (03) years.
❖ The university habilitation concerns the "class B" lecturers and the "class B" research masters:
∙ Having carried out high-level research after obtaining the doctorate,
∙ Having consolidated the results of their research by publications in scientific journals, by national and/or international communications or by filing patents.
∙ Having a pedagogical experience (courses, handouts validated by scientific authorities, supervision of master students, ...)
❖ The application for university accreditation can only be accepted after at least one year from the date of obtaining the doctoral degree and in the field of the doctoral degree.
❖ The call for applications for university accreditation is launched by the Directorate of Human Resources of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research through the organization of two sessions each year. The application file must be submitted exclusively by the candidate via the platform using his account "PROGRES". After the submission of the file, the candidate receives a receipt confirming his registration.
The academic accreditation file must include:
∙ A handwritten request addressed to the president of the Regional University Habilitation Commission;
∙ A curriculum vitae that includes the different stages of the candidate's professional career;
∙ A digital copy of the tenure decision in the grade of "B" lecturer or "B" research professor,
∙ A digital copy of the recent certificate of appointment confirming the rank held, the date of signature of which must
not exceed one month from the date of the opening of the academic year;
∙ A digital copy of the university degrees obtained;
∙ A digital copy of the doctoral thesis;
∙ The body of teaching work completed during the applicant's professional academic career;
∙ All non-thesis research work carried out after obtaining the doctoral degree;
∙ A report on the teaching, supervision, expertise and evaluation activities carried out by the candidate during his/her professional career, which must be filled in directly on the digital platform.
∙ A report on the research activities carried out by the candidate after obtaining his/her doctoral degree, which must
be filled in directly on the digital platform.
∙ A digital copy of a synthesis of (5) to (10) pages including all the pedagogical and scientific work, written in the
The study of the accreditation file is carried out in two stages
❖ 1st step: admissibility of the file
The application file for university accreditation is admissible for study and evaluation after validation of the administrative, pedagogical and managerial aspects of the file by the director of the university establishment. (The vice rectorate in charge of the Higher Education of Postgraduate, the University Habilitation, the Scientific Research and the Higher Education of Post-Graduation) in the respect of the conditions defined by the articles 07 and 08 of the decree n°804 of July 14th, 2021, according to the report of the pedagogical activities deposited by the candidate to the vice rectorate.
❖ 2nd step: study and evaluation of the file
Applications for academic accreditation are examined at the level of the regional conference to which the applicant's institution belongs in accordance with the evaluation grid annexed to the Order of July 14, 2021 by the regional academic accreditation committee. In this respect, it should be noted that the minimum threshold of points required to accept the application file is determined on the basis of the deliberations of the regional commissions of university accreditation, and in a uniform way for all the candidates in all transparency and equity on the basis of the pedagogical works, research and scientific rigor.
The sub-commissions take decisions by a majority of the votes of the members present; in case of equal votes, the president has the casting vote. The presidents of the regional university accreditation commissions transmit the results to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for approval and notification to the directors of the concerned institutions within a period not exceeding fifteen
(15) days from the date of receipt of the results.
Each institution prepares the decisions of promotion to the grade of Lecturer class "A" after having received the results. In the case where the university accreditation is refused, the rejected candidate can lodge an appeal via the same platform PROGRES, within eight (08) days.
The regional university accreditation commissions are responsible for examining appeals within fifteen (15) days.
1. For the admissibility of the university habilitation file, a minimum of one (01) publication in a scientific journal in accordance with the criteria set by the National Scientific Commission for the validation of Scientific Journals, concerning the results of scientific work not included in the doctoral thesis is required.
2. articles published in predatory journals or edited by a predatory publisher, are not accepted.
3. Except for the mandatory publication, the ranking of the Co-authors is taken into consideration as follows: 1st author gets 100% of the points awarded for publication, 2nd author 50%, 3ème author and above 25%.
4. For disciplines that adopt the alphabetical order, the candidate must justify his or her position among the co-authors.
5. The scientific article must be published when the application is submitted
6. The date of the submission is authoritative in the event that the journal has been downgraded after the date of
7. The date of submission of the scientific article must be later than the date of the doctoral defense, and the date of
publication must be later than the date of the doctoral degree.
8. The date of completion of the research work must be later than the date of the doctoral defense.
9. The study of the files by the regional commissions of the university habilitation, must be based on the provisions of the executive decree
No. 21-50 of January 28, 2021, establishing the conditions and procedures for obtaining university accreditation and Order
No. 804
of January 14, 2021, establishing the conditions and procedures for obtaining university accreditation.
July 2021, setting out the terms and conditions for the application of the provisions relating to obtaining university accreditation.
❑ The regulations governing university accreditation:
- Executive decree n°21-50 of 14 Joumada Ethania 1442 corresponding to January 28, 2021 fixing the conditions and modalities of obtaining the university accreditation.
- Order No. 804 of July 14, 2021, establishing the terms and conditions for the application of the provisions relating
to university accreditation
❑ Documents to download
- HU AR guide.
- HU Guide EN.
- Video illustrating the steps for submitting an application.
- Pedagogical Report to be completed by the candidate FR/AR.