Administrative organization of the rectorate

Administrative Organization

The university is a public scientific, cultural and professional institution with legal personality and financial autonomy. The university is composed of organs, a Rectorate, Faculties, and Institutes.
  • The Rectorate under the authority of the Rector of the university includes:
    • Vice-rectors
    • General Secretariat of the university,
    • Central library .
  • The organs of the university are:
    • Board of Directors,
    • Scientific Council.
    • Board of Executives.

The Rector

Rector, Professor YAHI Mustepha ,

The rector is responsible for the general running of the university according to the prerogatives of its other organs.
  • He represents the university in justice and in all acts of civil life,
  • He shall exercise hierarchical authority over all staff,
  • He signs all contracts, contracts and agreements in the framework of Current regulations,
  • He ensures the implementation of current laws and regulations regarding learning and studies ,
  • He is the first financial officer of University ,
  • He issues delegating appropriations to the deans of faculties, the managers of institutes and, where appropriate, of annexes,
  • He gives signature delegation for the deans of faculties, managers of institutes and, where appropriate, of annexes,
  • He appoints university staff for whom no other method of appointment is provided,
  • He takes all appropriate measures to improve learning and research activities of the university, in respect of other bodies prerogatives ,
  • He ensures respect of the university internal regulation by whom the project is elaborated and submitted to the Administrative Council for approval,
  • He is responsible for the keeping of order and discipline within the university
  • He issues diplomas by delegation from the Minister in charge of higher education,
  • He ensures conservation of archives. In the management of common interest issues at the Rectorate and the university organs. He is assisted by the Board of Directors composed of Vice-rectors, Deans of faculties and Institutes Manager .

The vice-rectors

The four (4) vice-rectors are organized as follows:

  • The Vice-Rector of Higher Education of the First and Second Cycles, Continuing Learning and Diplomas and Graduate Education.
  • The Vice-Rector of Postgraduate Higher Education, University Habilitation and Scientific Research and Post-Graduation Higher Education.
  • The Vice-Rector in charge of External Relations, Cooperation, Animation and Communication and Scientific Events.
  • The Vice-President of Development, Prospective and Orientation.

1. The Vice-Rector in charge of Higher Education for the First and Second Cycles, Continuing Learning and Diplomas and Graduation.

Mr Bachir CHEMANI., Responsabilities::

  • Following up of Studies Issues and Enternships at university,
  • Ensuring consistency in the offered Courses by faculties and institutes according to the university’s development plan,
  • Ensuring Respect of current regulation regarding registration, re-enrollment, knowledge checking and student progress,
  • Following up E-Learning Courses provided by university and Improving continuing Learning activities,
  • Ensuring Respect of current regulations and procedures regarding award of diplomas and equivalencies,
  • Ensuring Keeping and Update of the student name file.

The Vice-Rectorate is composed of:
  • Education, Training and Evaluation Service
  • Continuing Learning,
  • Diplomas and Equivalence Service.

Fax/Tel : (024) 79 52 73
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2. The Vice-Rector in charge of Post graduation, University Habilitation and Scientific Research.
Mr KADRI Mohamed, Responsabilities

  • Monitoring and ensuring application of the relevant regulations in the course of post-graduation, specialized post-graduation and university accreditation courses,
  • Ensuring that the training offered by faculties and institutes is consistent with the university’s development plan,
  • Monitoring and reporting research activities of research units and laboratories, in coordination with faculties and institutes,
  • Carrying out any action to exploit the results of the research,
  • Monitoring the functioning of the university’s scientific council and keep its archives,
  • Collecting and disseminating information on the university’s research activities.

The Vice-Rectorate is composed of :
  • Post-graduation training and specialized post-graduation Service ,
  • Habilitation Service,
  • Fellow up of research activities and exploitation of results.

Fax/Tel : (024) 79 52 74
Email :

3. Vice-Rector in charge of External Relations, Cooperation, Animation and Communication and Scientific Events..
Mr Abdelaziz TAIRI, , Responsabilities:

  • Promoting the university’s relations with its socio-economic environment and initiating partnership programs,
  • Initiating any action to promote inter-university exchanges and cooperation in the fields of education and research,
  • Carrying out activities of animation and communication,
  • Organizing and promoting scientific events,
  • Ensuring the fellow up of Teachers Improvement and Recycling Programmes
The Vice-Rectorate is composed of :
  • Service of inter-university exchange, cooperation and partnership;
  • Service of animation and communication and scientific events.
  • Communication Unit
    • Tel/Fax : 024 79 51 88
  • Quality Inssurance Unit
Fax/Tel : (024) 79 51 82
Email :

4. Vice-Rector in charge of Development, Prospective and Orientation: :
Ms KEBBOUCHE GANA Salima, Responsabilities :

  • Gathering the necessary elements for the development of the university’s draft development plans;
  • Carrying out any prospective study on the forecasts of the evolution of the student numbers of the university and to propose any measures for their management, in particular in terms of evolution, pedagogical and administrative supervision;
  • Maintaining the university’s statistical file with periodic updating;
  • Preparing any information material on the university’s teaching programmes and their professional opportunities;
  • Giving the students any information to help them in their choice of orientation;
  • Promoting student information activities;
  • Monitoring construction programmes and ensure the implementation of university equipment programmes in coordination with relevant services.

The Vice-Rectorate is composed of :
  • Statistics and Prospective Service;
  • Orientation Service ;
  • Construction and Equipment Service

Fax/Tel : (024) 79 52 76
Email :

The General Secretariat :
Ms Djamila RABIA, Secretary General.
Fax/Tel : (024) 79 51 96

The General Secretariat of the University shall be under the responsibility of a Secretary-General who shall be responsible for the operation and administrative and financial management of the structures under his authority and of the common administrative and technical services.

The General Secretariat is responsible of :

  • Ensure the management of the careers of university staff in accordance with the responsibilities of the university and the institute in this area,
  • Prepare and monitor the implementation of the university’s draft budget,
  • Monitor the funding of activities of loboratories and research units,
  • Ensure the proper functioning of the university’s common services,
  • Implement and promote the university’s cultural and sports programmes,
  • Ensure the follow-up and coordination of the university’s internal security plans in relation to the internal departmental security office,
  • Ensure the management and preservation of the archives and documentation of the Rector,
  • Ensure the operation and management of the university’s law office.

The general secretariat, to which the general office and the internal security office are attached, includes the following sub-directorates:
  • Sub-directorate of Personnel and Training,
  • Sub-directorate of Bugdet and Accounting,
  • Sub-directorate of Resources and maintenance,
  • Sub-directorate of Scientific, Cultural and Sports Activities.

1. The Sub Directorate of Personnel and Training :
Mr Hamadache Smail, Assistant Director
Tel : (024) 79 51 97

  • Manage the careers of staff in the Rectory and Common Services and those appointed by the Rector of University,
  • Develop and implement plans for the training, development and retraining of university administrative, technical and service staff,
  • Ensure the management of university staff and their harmonious distribution among faculties, institutes and annexes,
  • Coordinate the development and implementation of university human resources management plans

It includes the following departments :
  • Teaching staff departments,
  • Administrative and Technical staff department,
  • Training and development department.

2. Sub-directorate of Bugdet and Accounting
Mr Aloui Moussa, Assistant Director
Fax/Tel : (024) 79 51 98
Responsabilities :

  • Prepare the university’s draft budget on the basis of proposals from the deans of faculties, directors of institutes and annexes,
  • Monitor the implementation of the university budget,
  • Prepare the delegations of appropriations to the deans of faculties, directors of institutes and annexes and ensure the control of their execution,
  • Monitor the funding of research activities carried out by laboratories and units
  • Maintain university accounting.

It includes the following departments :
  • Budget and Accounting Department,
  • Research Funding Department,
  • Management Control and Contracting Department .

3. Sub-Directorate of Means and Maintenance
Mr Moufek Lounis, Assistant Director
Fax/Tel : (024) 79 51 99

  • Ensure the provision of operational resources for the rectorships and common services
  • Ensure the maintenance and maintenance of movable and immovable property of the rector and of common services
  • Maintain inventory records,
  • Ensure the preservation and maintenance of the university archives,
  • Manage the Rector’s fleet of vehicles.

It includes the departments:
  • Department of means and inventory services,
  • Department of Service and maintenance,
  • Department of archives.

4. Sub Directorate of Scientific, Cultural and Sport Activities
Mr Rachid LOKAL, Assistant Director
Fax/Tel : (024) 79 52 06
Responsabilities :

  • Promote and develop scientific and cultural activities within the university for the benefit of students,
  • Implement recreational activities,
  • Support sports activities at university,
  • Conduct social outreach activities for the benefit of university staff.

It includes the following departments:
  • Department of scientific and cultural activities,
  • Department of sports and leisure activities.

Board of Directors
The university’s board of directors is composed of :
  • the Minister for Higher Education or his or her representative, president,
  • a representative of the Minister responsible for Finance,
  • a representative of the Minister responsible for national education,
  • a representative of the Minister responsible for vocational training,
  • a representative of the Minister responsible for labour,
  • a representative of the scientific research authority,
  • a representative of the public service authority,
  • a representative of the wali of the wilaya seat of the university,
  • a representative of teaching staff by faculty and institute elected among those of the highest grade
  • representatives of the main user sectors whose list is fixed by the decree establishing the university
  • two (2) elected representatives of administrative, technical and service personnel,
  • two (2) elected student representatives.
The Rector, Deans of Faculties, the Directors of Institutes and, where appropriate, Annexes, the Vice-Rectors and the Head of the Central Library shall attend meetings of the Council in an advisory capacity.

Four (4) or fewer representatives of the legal and/or natural persons contributing to the financing of the university, appointed from among those who ensure the most important participation efforts, may participate in the work of the Board in an advisory capacity.

External persons may participate in the work of the Council in an advisory capacity.

The Board of Directors may call upon any person likely to assist it in its work.

The secretariat of the Council shall be provided by the Secretary-General.

  • The members of the Council representing the various ministerial departments shall be appointed, on proposal from their supervisory authority, among the employers holding senior positions in public institutions and administrations..
    Term ceases at the same time as the office in which they were appointed ceases.
  • The term of office of the board members is three (3) years, renewable once, with the exception of student representatives who are elected for a renewable year..
    If the term of office of one of the members is interrupted, it shall be replaced in the same manner by a new member until the expiry of the term of office.
    The nominative list of the members of the Council shall be determined by order of the Minister responsible for higher education.
  • The Board of Directors shall consider :
    • the university’s short, medium and long-term development plans,
    • proposals for the programming of training and research actions,
    • proposals for national and international scientific exchange and cooperation programs,
    • the annual review of university training and research,
    • the university’s draft budget and accounts,
    • the university’s draft human resources management plan,
    • the acceptance of gifts, bequests, foundations, gifts and various grants,
    • acquisitions, sales or rentals of real estate,
    • loans to be contracted,
    • plans for the creation of subsidiaries and acquisitions,
    • the estimated state of the university’s own resources and arrangements for their use in the development of training and research activities,
    • the use, within the framework of the university’s development plan, of income from acquisitions and the creation of subsidiaries,
    • partnership agreements with the various socio-economic sectors,
    • the internal rules of the university,
    • the University’s annual activity report presented by the Sector.
  • The Board of Directors shall consider and propose any measure which may improve the functioning of the University and promote the achievement of its objectives.
  • The Board of Directors shall meet two (2) times a year in ordinary session at the request of its Chairman and individual notices specifying the agenda shall be sent to the members at least fifteen (15) days before the scheduled date for its meeting.
    It may meet in extraordinary session at the request of either its President, the Rector or two (2/3) thirds of its members and in this case the aforementioned period may be reduced without being less than eight (8) days.
    The notices shall be accompanied by the documents necessary for consideration of the agenda.
  • The Board of Directors may, depending on the size of the agenda of a meeting, set up working committees composed of its members.
  • The Board of Directors may meet validly only if at least two-thirds (2/3) of its members are present.
    If a quorum is not present, a second meeting shall be held within eight (8) days of the first meeting and the Board of Directors shall then deliberate validly regardless of the present members number.

    Deliberations on the budget, management accounts, acquisitions, sales or rentals of buildings, acceptance of donations, Bequests and miscellaneous grants shall not become applicable until expressly approved jointly by the Minister for Higher Education and the Minister for Finance.
  • The meeting report signed by the President and the Secretary shall be forwarded within fifteen (15) days of the meeting to the Minister responsible for Higher Education for approval.
    Deliberations related to the establishment of subsidiaries and acquisition of shareholdings, as well as those relating to agreements or conventions on international inter-university cooperation, shall not become applicable before the express approval of the supervisory authority.
  • The deliberations of the board of directors are binding thirty (30) days after the receipt of the minutes by the supervisory authority unless express opposition is notified within this period.
  • Deliberations related to the establishment of subsidiaries and acquisition of shareholdings, as well as those relating to agreements or conventions on international inter-university cooperation, shall not become applicable before the express approval of the supervisory authority.
    Deliberations relating to the creation of subsidiaries and the acquisition of holdings as well as those relating to international inter-university cooperation agreements or conventions only become enforceable after the express approval of the supervisory authority.

The University Scientific Council
The university scientific council includes :
  • The Rector, President,
  • The vice-rectors,
  • The Deans of faculties,
  • The Directors of institutes and, where appropriate, the directors of annexes,
  • The Presidents of the scientific councils of faculties and institutes,
  • The Directors of research units, if applicable,
  • The Head of the central library.
  • Two (2) representatives of teachers by faculty and institute elected from among those of the highest rank
  • two (2) external personalities who are teachers from other universities
The Scientific Council may invite any person whose competence may be useful to its work
The University’s Scientific Council issues opinions and recommendations on :
  • The university’s annual and multi-year training and research plans,
  • Plans for the establishment, modification or dissolution of faculties, institutes, departments and, where appropriate, annexes, research units and research laboratories,
  • National and international scientific exchange and cooperation programs,
  • University training and research reviews,
  • University partnership programmes with various socio-economic sectors,
  • Programs of the university’s scientific events,
  • Actions to exploit the results of research,
  • Reviews and projects for the acquisition of scientific and technical documentation.
It outlines the university’s research and scientific and technical documentation policies.
It shall give its opinion on any other educational and scientific issue submitted by the chairman.
The Rector shall bring to the attention of the Board of Directors opinions and recommendations issued by the University Scientific Council.

Board of Executives

In the management of issue of common interest within the Rectorate and other components of University, the Rector is assisted by a Board of Executives composed of: the Vice-Rectors, the Deans of Faculties, the Directors of Institutes and, where appropriate, Annexes

(Art 28-JORAD-N°51) of 25 Joumada Ethania 1424 corresponding to 24 August 2003