We have the honour to send you below, a scholarship offer from the Romanian Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism, which tells us of the launch of the selection process for the award of forty (40) scholarships (license and doctorate) Foreign nationals from non-EU states for the 2022 – 2023 academic year, with priority given to: • Economics and Business Administration. • agricultural science. • technical studies and oil and gas. Studies will be conducted in the Romanian language. Accepted candidates who do not know the Romanian language will benefit from an additional preparatory year to study the Romanian language. This program is intended for students who wish to pursue graduate studies in Romania on an individual level of Master or Doctorate. They can only apply for scholarships awarded by the Romanian Government. A program briefing note is provided below. candidates can be downloaded on the online platform between May 1 and July 31, 2022 at the following link: http://www.imm.gov.ro/ro/2018/11/13/acordarea-de-burse-de-studii-in%20romanie-pentru- cetatenil-straini